Wrap Reviews

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Moisha Filigran Steel review

Composition: 100 % Egyptian cotton Weight: 264 g/m² pre-wash (according to the manufacturer) Size: 6 Back wrap cross carry with chestbelt + a little freestyle finish :) Lenkaˈs View: We already had Filigran some time ago – as part of Moisha testing in April, pink twin [...]

By |2019-01-26T09:06:19+01:00August 24th, 2018|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Moisha Filigran Steel review

Mum’s Era Nordik Olive review

Composition: 100 % cotton Weight: 236 g/m² (counted by us) Size: 6 Reinforced front wrap cross carry Mum’s Era – another babywearing brand about which I was not able to find basically any relevant piece of information. The only thing I know is that it is (was) a Russian manufacturer - no official website, [...]

By |2018-08-21T22:04:25+02:00August 21st, 2018|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Mum’s Era Nordik Olive review

Loktu She Navis Ahoy and Amphitrite review

Navis Ahoy Composition: 100 % combed cotton Weight: 330 g/m² (according to the manufacturer), 332 g/m² (counted by us) Size: 6 Lenka: Back wrap cross carry with chestbelt (and something between Tibetian and freestyle finish) Lindaˈs View: We have promised you to release the review of ˈboatsˈfirst, so read the superlatives in our very [...]

By |2018-08-21T07:53:10+02:00August 21st, 2018|Wrap Reviews|2 Comments

Yaro Slings La Vita Violet Repreve review

Composition: 60 % cotton, 40 % repreve Weight: 230 g/m2 (according to the manufacturer), 220 g/m2 (counted by us) Size: 6 Reinforced front wrap cross carry with shoulder flip Yaro Slings… in Czech, we often lovingly call them “Yaroušci” - from “Jaroslav” (a typical Slavonic first name), or specifically its familiar [...]

By |2018-08-12T22:54:57+02:00August 12th, 2018|Wrap Reviews|1 Comment

Little Frog Kiss The Blue Frog review

Composition: 100 % cotton Weight: 230-260 g/m2 (according to the manufacturer), 275 g/m2 (counted by us) Size: 6 Carry: reinforced front wrap cross carry Lenkaˈs View: Polish LittleFrog is not little at all. On the contrary, it is a hell of well-fed toad, at least within Central Europe, competing on [...]

By |2018-08-11T14:49:40+02:00August 11th, 2018|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Little Frog Kiss The Blue Frog review

Loktu She Raindrops Storm review

Composition: 49 % merino TEC (total easy care), 51 % combed cotton Weight: 270 g/m2 post-wash Size: 6 Double hammock with saltwater finish Sperms. Simply sperms. I cannot see anything else in it and I am surely not alone :). Moreover, I managed to tie the wrap upside down so it really looks like [...]

By |2018-08-09T21:10:32+02:00August 9th, 2018|Wrap Reviews|1 Comment

Oscha Starry Night Nebula review

Composition: 56 % organic combed cotton, 22 % wild silk, 22 % cottonWeight: c. 268 g/m2Reinforced front wrap cross carryLenkaˈs View:In the babywearing world, Oscha is a well-known and well-established brand with age-old tradition. It is broadly recognized that they simply cannot release a bad wrap. Those Scots are just good at what [...]

By |2018-08-09T13:12:56+02:00August 9th, 2018|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Oscha Starry Night Nebula review

Monami Slings Tulips Klaire Blue review

Composition: 100% combed cotton Weight: 270 g/m2 (according to the manufacturer), 266 g/m2 (counted by us) Size: 5 Front cross carry (double cross) No historical introduction today, sorry, guys - Polish Monami is a complete mystery, at least according to shallow and deep waters of the Internet. I found jack [...]

By |2018-08-04T13:37:24+02:00August 4th, 2018|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Monami Slings Tulips Klaire Blue review

Dekka Tilia Michael review

Composition: 80 % cotton, 20% tussah silk Weight: 300 g/m2 (according to the manufacturer), 345 g/m2 (counted by us) Size: 5 Rucksack carry with tibetian knotless finish, double cross carry Lenkaˈs View: Testing a brand new, not-yet-released Dekka wrap? That is an opportunity you cannot reject. Moreover, it was an immense [...]

By |2018-08-03T16:13:53+02:00August 3rd, 2018|Wrap Reviews|2 Comments

Grand Dekka-wraps testing

As I already mentioned in the story describing the grand meeting in Trojhalí (Tripple Hall Karolina), Dekka is a comparatively new, yet already a very popular member of the wrapping world – the owners of the brand are Ivana Džbánková Škapová and her husband Martin Škapa, both very nice people. Originally, only two wraps [...]

By |2018-08-03T16:19:51+02:00August 2nd, 2018|Wrap Reviews|2 Comments
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