

About Lenka

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So far Lenka has created 397 blog entries.

“This is not a suitable carrier” or How to give advice about babywearing

You have probably seen and experienced this on multiple occasions, mainly in different counsel babywearing groups on Facebook - a simple sentence “this is not a suitable carrier” and its different modifications, as an answer to questions concerning the choice or adjusting of different carriers. And I am not talking about the obviously unsuitable [...]

By |2020-08-19T16:01:07+02:00August 3rd, 2020|About Babywearing|Comments Off on “This is not a suitable carrier” or How to give advice about babywearing

Kavka Multi-Age Plus

As I already wrote in the Manduca First review, it is always the hardest to write a truly objective review about your own carrier which you have used so many times, you are familiar with its every thread and it is, in a certain sense, a stable member of your family already. My beloved [...]

By |2020-06-30T20:46:10+02:00June 30th, 2020|Carrier Reviews|Comments Off on Kavka Multi-Age Plus

Rainbow Frog Tessere di Mosaico

Composition: 100% cotton Weight: 332 g/m² Size: 4 Rear rebozo reinforced rucksack carry with candy cane chest belt Today I have a review of one of my biggest HW loves for you - it is this quite ordinary looking shortie I bought last summer as the [...]

By |2020-05-06T10:10:34+02:00May 5th, 2020|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Rainbow Frog Tessere di Mosaico

Emeibaby Easy, Baby Size

Last summer, we had the opportunity to test the new version of the Austrian carrier Emeibaby with by-that-time-2-years-old Emilka. The carrier is still unique in several aspects, as well as its older version which we tested a year before when Emilka was about 1 year old. Both the tested carriers were Baby size, i.e. [...]

By |2020-07-05T23:53:47+02:00May 3rd, 2020|Carrier Reviews|Comments Off on Emeibaby Easy, Baby Size

Tekhni Meandros Scarlet and Chloris Tidepool

Let's face is. Tekhni is no longer the most popular babywearing brand (at least in Europe) and the golden times of this manufacturer are long over. It is not longer "OMG, Tekhni!" but "hmmm, Tekhni..." for quite some time. Long over are the times when Tekhni wraps were so hard to get, second-hand pieces [...]

By |2020-07-05T23:27:31+02:00April 19th, 2020|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Tekhni Meandros Scarlet and Chloris Tidepool

Mirkine Onbuhimo size 3

The woman behind Mirkine is a Slovakian mum called Mirka ("Mirkine" means "Mirka's" in Slovak, not really a surprise, right?) who sows clothes for children, purses and backpacks and last (but not least) onbuhimos that are quite unique in several aspects (I am sorry for such a short "historical introduction" but this is everything [...]

By |2020-06-30T22:40:40+02:00March 20th, 2020|Carrier Reviews|Comments Off on Mirkine Onbuhimo size 3

Woven Wings Macbeth

Composition: 87 % cotton, 13 % merino Weight: 322 g/m² Size: 4 Front cross carry with a ring Today we reached very deep into our review archive - Emilka was barely one year old when we tested this wrap! Woven Wings, founded by three designers, babywearing moms and consultants Alaina [...]

By |2020-03-17T12:02:32+01:00March 17th, 2020|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Woven Wings Macbeth

VeKa Carriers

I was very excited about this testing or, in fact, re-testing! First time we tested Vekas it was spring/summer 2018 and one year later, during the summer 2019, we had the opportunity to try out the size 2 and the adjustable carrier. The first time, Emilka was tiny and light (about 70 cm/8 kg) [...]

By |2020-03-15T10:30:20+01:00March 15th, 2020|Carrier Reviews|Comments Off on VeKa Carriers

HamaMama Nameless Neon Wrap

Composition: warp cotton + glitter, weft linen Weight: 384 g/m² counted by us Size: 8 (586 cm) Back wrap cross carry, Celtic knot finish We have not published a review of any hand woven beauty for a shamefully long time - last time it was about two beautiful NAMAK wraps [...]

By |2020-03-20T09:29:26+01:00March 13th, 2020|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on HamaMama Nameless Neon Wrap

Wild Slings Mega-Review

We have been testing and publishing articles about Wild Slings since the very beginning of this blog’s existence, from the first releases from the winter 2017/2018 to this season’s hottest new pieces. Now we have quite a few reviews of these wraps in our archive so the time has finally come to publish a [...]

By |2020-03-13T15:23:09+01:00March 3rd, 2020|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Wild Slings Mega-Review
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