Wrap Reviews

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Mum’s Era Utah

Composition: 100 % cotton Weight: 239 g/m² Size: 7 (537 cm measured by us, tips 47 cm) Back wrap cross carry, Tibetian knotless finish Let me summarize my impression from this wrap right at the beginning: a Russian kitchen towel. Really, the way it looks, the way it feels in [...]

By |2019-05-05T22:36:12+02:00May 5th, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Mum’s Era Utah

Pabelle Slings Llama Biscotti, Blur Sorbet and Makia Porto

We introduced Pabelle Slings and their elegant Makia Ivory last autumn. Meanwhile, we had the opportunity to try several other Pabelle wraps - two all-cotton pieces, the violet Makia Calluna and the Christmas limited edition Kisses Under the Mistletoe, and another Christmas beauty, Eshweria Flaming Star with lurex, or the blue-black llamas Llama Wakatobi [...]

By |2019-04-28T10:39:55+02:00April 25th, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Pabelle Slings Llama Biscotti, Blur Sorbet and Makia Porto

NAMAK Night Flowers and Magical Song Hand Woven Wraps

Mrs Mária Nagy is simply a legend in the Czech-Slovak world of hand-woven wraps - once you enter it, it is virtually a must to own one NAMAK or at least try a few on your own shoulders. As I wrote in the article about the HamaMama wraps - every HW wrap is an [...]

By |2019-04-11T20:44:22+02:00April 8th, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on NAMAK Night Flowers and Magical Song Hand Woven Wraps

ŠaNaMi Brown Coffee (Hnědá káva) and Paisley Bordó

ŠaNaMi, acronym from the Czech ‘Šátky Na nošení Miminek’, meaning ‘wraps for babywearing’, is one of the oldest wrap and babywearing clothes manufacturers in the Czech Republic. For a long time, babywearing meant wearing ŠaNaMi or Vatanai in our homeland, and those few imported pieces from our western neighbours like Didymos or Storchenwiege meant the [...]

By |2019-03-24T17:25:19+01:00March 20th, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on ŠaNaMi Brown Coffee (Hnědá káva) and Paisley Bordó

Didymos Pfau Junos

Composition: 60 % cotton, 40 % wool Weight: 205 g/m² according to the manufacturer, 275 g/m² counted by us Size: 7 Reinforced front wrap cross carry No woven wrap manufacturer is such a legend as the German Didymos, founded in 1972 by a mother of four, [...]

By |2019-03-19T20:12:46+01:00March 18th, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Didymos Pfau Junos

Kindred Wrap Pāʻia Lilac

Composition: 55 % cotton, 45 % Tencel Weight: 297 g/m² declared by the manufacturer, 283 g/m² counted by us Size: 6 Back cross carry Do you sometimes have the feeling that basically all the wraps of the world are woven in Europe, too? And that the [...]

By |2019-03-11T20:46:15+01:00March 11th, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Kindred Wrap Pāʻia Lilac

HamaMama Hand Woven Wraps Testing

One could say hand-woven wraps kind of live in the time and space of their own - they look different, their tying is different, their behavior in the carry is usually slightly different than in their machine-woven relatives. I do not consider myself an HW specialist (and I never will) - there are only [...]

By |2019-03-11T20:29:45+01:00March 9th, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on HamaMama Hand Woven Wraps Testing

Kenhuru Shevron Royal Red

Composition: 50 % combed cotton, 50 % linen Size: 6 Weight: 250 g/m² (counted by us) Variation of back wrap cross carry with a ring, front cross carry Attentive readers of this blog must have noticed that I love tsumugi (especially Kenhuru tsumugi) and tussah (again, [...]

By |2019-03-04T15:32:42+01:00March 3rd, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Kenhuru Shevron Royal Red

Yaro Broken Twill 33

Composition: 100% cotton Weight: 250 g/m² (declared by the manufacturer), 248 g/m² (counted by us) Size: 7 Front cross carry The most basic of all the basic Yaro wraps, laconically called Broken Twill (i.e. as one of the basic types of weave) is, in a way, [...]

By |2019-05-31T20:50:27+02:00March 2nd, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Yaro Broken Twill 33

AYU Estrellita Ring Sling

Composition: 50 % recycled cotton, 50 % recycled plastic Length: 206 cm Weight: 230 g/m² (counted by us) Do you remember the hand-woven AYU Nenes de Leche? Estrellita, meaning ‘little star’ in English, is its pink/apricot sister. I was not particularly intrigued by the blue AYU as [...]

By |2019-05-31T20:59:58+02:00March 1st, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on AYU Estrellita Ring Sling
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