My name is Lenka, I’m a little over 30, and I have been wearing my beloved daughter Emilka since May 2017. Before Emilka and babywearing came, I worked as a doctor and my work was my life, I dedicated my body and soul to the hospital. And as it often happens, man proposes child disposes – medicine (that I still love and practise) was sidelined, and my life received a whole new, unexpected and yet by far the most beautiful direction.

I’m the one who came up with the brilliant idea to start a blog because I was so ˈboredˈ at home on maternity leave. At the same time, I am the busiest writer (well, I am the chattiest, in fact), I translate kind of a lot, and I am the model mostly (because, as it happens right now, I am the only one in possession of at least a little-cooperating  wearie). I love wraps (carriers as well – but wraps more), and I have almost obscenely big number of them at home; however, I like to borrow and swap, and to try new and new ones… I could hardly remember the exact number of wraps I held in my hands during the past year; it is just addiction and a kind of obsession, I confess. Besides having a super-stack of wraps and Emilka, I also have a wonderful, kind, amazing, baby-wearing husband Martin, who not only tolerates my hobby, but also supports it! In fact, he is one of the photographers for our blog.

Since I was a little kid; in fact, since the time I learnt to walk and remember, I have been dancing. I have tried many styles, from classical ballet to disco, but contemporary ballet  is the love of my life. At one point, I longed for a career of professional dancer. However, then the university came, my artistic ambitions were drifted away and I would say that I forgot about dancing for quite a long time. I never thought my child and, especially, the fact that I am babywearing, would send me back to the dance hall and make my stiff body move again. We have been dancing regularly since Emilka was 4 months old (Tančíme v šátku, i.e. We are dancing in the wrap). Moreover, I have been leading dancing classes with babies in wraps myself since this spring.

Babywearing gave me not only many new impulses and friends, thanks to whom I am not sitting at home, inspiring meetings and knowledge, and piles of fun and joy, but also the desire to pass on my findings and experience to other mums because I am well aware that the beginnings of babywearing, moreover of ˈbeing a mumˈ itself do not really have to be easy.

That’s how not only the ˈWrapTrappedˈ blog full of reviews on wraps and carriers was born, but also the initiative to do something ˈliveˈ, indeed. It is not just the dancing, but our activity within the local babywearing community we try to support by all means – be it the babywearing meetings or helping particular mums.

My name is Linda, I’m 30 years old and I have been wearing my daughter Helenka for a little over a year; currently, ˈbabywearing retirementˈ is approaching us already. I graduated from business academy and in the years before Helenka was born, I worked as an accountant, and later as an assistant and a maid of all work in an insurance company. For our childless life not to be boring, my husband Martin and I started to photograph, our specialty being wedding and family photography.

I could say that I am more of a carrier-type, which is due to the fact that I did not begin to wear Helenka before she was 4 months old. However, over time, I found my way to wraps as well. I am a famous sissy – don’t expect many praising odes from me.

In September 2018, I successfully completed a Babywearing Consultancy Course with amazing Anna Pohořálková, so that I will be able to help with babywearing in a more qualified manner. Thus I dedicate my time to counseling as well. Moreover, both Lenka and I are active admins of the local babywearing group Nosíme děti v Ostravě-Porubě (i.e. We wear our babies in Ostrava-Poruba).

When I met Lenka, neither of us had the idea that we would become friends so quickly and where our joint path would take us. At the beginning of 2018, Lenka came with an idea that we should start a blog. I liked the idea, supported it and said something like: “OK, I will write and shoot something for you from time to time.” Well, and that’s it! 😀 I photograph a little, I write a little, I communicate with the manufacturers,  I look after our Facebook page, and I also started to look after our e-shop recently. You could say that I am a kind of back-office. My husband Martin ensures all our activities from the technical perspective – without him, our blog and e-shop would not be of such form and quality.

Let me share a short message at the end. Wear your babies – it does not really matter what you use to wear in, how many carries you know or even how perfectly tied they are; the most important thing is to be close to your little ones, anything else is irrelevant. Therefore – take even this blog easy and do not look for complexities in babywearing either.

My name is Jana, I was born more than 33 years ago and my babywearing career began in prehistoric time – well, the prehistory of babywearing I mean 😉 , in 2010. In that year, my daughter Liduška was born – nowadays, she is already a big girl, currently attending the third grade. The beginnings of me being a mum were somewhat hard, because Liduška was a very weepy and unhappy baby; the stroller was her enemy number one. Thanks to my husband’s cousin, I got my hands on a wrap and suddenly a miracle happened – my baby was happy. However, I did not really get the hang of wrapping, partly because there was no one to help me (which is why I am so active in helping other babywearing mums in their beginnings).

When Liduška was about 5 months old, I bought a carrier – ErgoBaby Original, which stayed with us until our little princess was 2 years old. After a break, during which I mainly pursued my career (I am a teacher of English and Social Studies, recently teaching mainly adults) and took care of my daughter and husband, our son Štěpán was born in July 2016. When I was pregnant, I already knew that I would be a babywearing mum – the wrap was ready. 🙂 When Liduška started to attend primary school, Štěpán became a full-time wearie at the age of 3 months. The reasons for this decision were purely practical at the beginning – it is quite impossible to take a baby in a stroller up to the third floor, not to mention the rush hour in public transport before 8 a.m….

Later, babywearing became a kind of lifestyle for our family. Just a few weeks after Štěpán was born, one of my friends invited me to join the Facebook group Nosíme děti (i.e. We wear our babies), where I became aware of the existence of our local babywearing group. At first, I was more of a passive observer, but as time passed I started to engage actively, testing of wraps and carriers being my drive motor – later, this area became my ˈjobˈ as the admin of Neseme děti Ostravou (i.e. We wear our babies through Ostrava). During a year, Štěpán and I managed to try tens of wraps and carriers we would not be able to lay our hands on otherwise. It was in the local babywearing group where I met Lenka and Linda, who later invited me to cooperate on the blog as a translator and an occasional writer of reviews.