Composition: 51 % merino TEC (total easy care), 49 % combed cotton

Weight: 270 g/m² according to the manufacturer, 264 g/m² counted by us

Size: 4

Kangaroo carry

We already had the opportunity to try several merino pieces from Loktu She – for example, Rhododendrons Ruby and Soffa Sapphire; my very own Sea Motion Adriatic or the great woolen-silk newborn skinny Bird Garden Onyx. It has been about 9 months since we tested the blood brother of Azalea, Raindrops Storm, with the same composition and the same weight. I really loved to wear the ‘spermdrops’ that time; Emilka weighed about 8 kg and I barely felt her on my shoulders. I must say that I felt the merino in it quite a bit; however, I did not feel like sending the wrap to the next tester at all! 😀

Azalea is the pink variant of Raindrops. Emilka grew a little and put on about 2 kg of weight (yup, haha 😀 ) so I was curious about my feelings this time.

There is quite a lot of merino in Azalea and it also feels like that at the first touch – it will not be a BFF of the absolute sissies who can find even the smallest hint of wool in anything, like ever. It felt fine on my shoulders with my shirt on, but I would not want to cuddle in it with bare skin. However, Azalea is in my personal wrap category of ‘very little biting sheep’. I am quite sure that most people will tolerate it without any problems.

Probably, this is a kind of a “tit-for-tat” situation. Superfine merino in such an amount tends to bee a bit more slippery, but I never noticed a problem with Azalea as far as being too slippery goes. As you can see, I even managed to tie and tighten my wrapping nemesis, the kangaroo carry. It held quite fine until the moment Emilka decided to go her way instead of being photographed – and unfortunately, that did not take long; that is why there are only two photos of the wrap in the actual carry 😀 . It is soft and pliable, I had no problems tying and tightening it. It held fine in the carry (well, not in the kangaroo – that will not hold tight with a bouncing toddler under any circumstances 😉 ), it felt a little elastic on my shoulders (as I expected from a well-behaved woolen young lady) and the wearing was very comfortable even with our 10 kilograms of pure love. And the shade of pink – simply said, a wonderful, sweet piece of candy! To be honest, I rarely appreciate pinkies – but this one really caught my eye!

We want to thank dear Adélka for lending us the wrap for testing!