Composition: 54 % combed cotton, 21 % aloe vera fibre, 12 % cashwool, 7 % tussah, 6 % tsumugi
Weight: 280 g/m² pre-wash according to the manufacturer, 332 g/m² counted by us
Size: 6
Back wrap cross carry with a chest belt

I already covered the “who, when and why” about Loombera in our last article about this relatively new, but very interesting and creative Polish brand. They are not afraid to use mixtures of blends, as I mentioned last time, too. So lets talk a bit about two of those you can find in Dadyr Solsetur – aloe vera fibre and cashwool.

I must admit that I stumbled upon a little problem in case of “aloe vera fibre” right in the beginning – I found two different variants. The first one is “aloe vera microfibre” which is a polyester fibre with aloe vera extract that gives it specific properties – it is bactericidal, fungicidal, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory, promotes regenerative processes and moisturizes the skin. The second variant is similarly produced cellulose fibre, i.s. in fact viscose – same as microfibre, this one should have similar beneficial properties, including breathability, cooling if hot and warming if cold. I have no idea what exactly Loombera contains, but no matter is it is the first or the latter, it seems like a total miracle for summer months (which I cannot really appreciate, to be honest, because I tested this wrap in January).

On the other hand, I had much easier job with cashwool – it is quite easy, actually. Cashwool is super-extra-fine-and-cuddly merino wool; so fine that its properties are close to cashmere (i.e. “cash” in cashwool comes from cashmere). You can barely tell that this type of merino is contained in the wrap, aside from its pleasant properties, of course (thermoregulation, breathability, elasticity etc.) – do I even need to mention that?

Why such a long introduction? Because the review itself will be brief. The reason is that I have basically nothing to reproach when it comes to this wrap – maybe only the slightly faint colour which is not really my cup of tea and the cute deer with the dreamcatcher gets lost a bit among all the nubs. Solsetur (which means “sunset” in Icelandic) is not a thin wrap at all (here I think the manufacturer counted it a little bit wrong), anyway it is soft, wonderfully pliable and if it was a tiny bit less slippery, I would not hesitate say that it basically “ties itself”. However, it holds in the carry without problems, feels slightly elastic on your shoulders and the sleeping 13 kg on my back were a piece of cake for it, even after an hour long walk. In contrast to its all-cotton siblings (Wine, Aurora and Kalt) it did not seem prone to pulls at all (on the other hand you just look cross at the cotton ones and you have pull). It also does not wrinkle, basically at all, but the light colour (mainly if you wear a toddler) is not practical at all.
Well, Loombera knows how to do some blend magic. It was an honour for me, again!