Wrap Reviews

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Loombera Slings Dadyr Solsetur

Composition: 54 % combed cotton, 21 % aloe vera fibre, 12 % cashwool, 7 % tussah, 6 % tsumugi Weight: 280 g/m² pre-wash according to the manufacturer, 332 g/m² counted by us Size: 6 Back wrap cross carry with a chest belt I already covered the "who, when and why" [...]

By |2020-02-02T11:37:53+01:00January 31st, 2020|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Loombera Slings Dadyr Solsetur

Moyo Wraps Testing

The Slovakian brand Moyo is mostly known as a carrier and babywearing clothes manufacturer (the review of their carriers is here and of the babywearing clothes here). Similarly to other carrier manufacturers they decided to make the carriers out of their own wraps, in four different designs so far. We had the opportunity to [...]

By |2020-01-21T17:19:19+01:00January 21st, 2020|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Moyo Wraps Testing

Sycha Slings Frogs Spring Sky

Composition: 100 % cotton Weight: 235 g/m² according to the manufacturer, 240 g/m² counted by us Size: 7 Strangle proof back cross carry To be honest, this was the first time I ever heard about the British Sycha Slings when testing this wrap, kindly provided by [...]

By |2020-01-04T15:27:49+01:00January 4th, 2020|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Sycha Slings Frogs Spring Sky

Kuukivi Bulik 2.0

Composition: 96 % cotton, 4 % sparkle Weight: 300 g/m² Size: 7 Russian Jordan's Carry Kuukivi, which translates from Finnish poetically as "moonstone", is a younger, cheaper and less fancy sibling of the Polish Loombera (well, at least I think so; there is no official website aside from the Facebook [...]

By |2019-12-22T09:30:05+01:00December 21st, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Kuukivi Bulik 2.0

Loombera Slings Testing

Loombera, a Warsavian woven wrap brand with two cute bears in its logo, is one of the newest players on the Polish high-end babywearing field; it was founded only in 2018. Scandinavia-inspired design, elaborate and luxurious blends (Loombera is not afraid to use even five blends in one wrap or exquisite blends such as [...]

By |2019-12-21T23:08:51+01:00December 15th, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Loombera Slings Testing

Sling Studio Bracken Fern Frost

Composition: 50 % schappe silk, 50 % cotton Weight: 250 g/m² Size: 6 Reinforced front wrap cross carry Not having a single article about such a famous brand as Sling Studio here, on our blog? Almost unforgivable. However, it does not mean that I never held [...]

By |2019-12-04T23:54:29+01:00December 4th, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Sling Studio Bracken Fern Frost

Monami Slings Tulipannah Fuchsia

Composition: 100 % combed cotton Weight: 270 g/m² Size: 6 Double hammock, freshwater finish These fuchsia tulips were the second wrap from the Polish brand Monami (not that much well-known in the Czech Republic) I tested. I tried the blue tulips (in slightly different design) a [...]

By |2019-11-11T07:53:05+01:00November 11th, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Monami Slings Tulipannah Fuchsia

Weird Slings Donut Worry in the Space

Composition: 100 % cotton Weight: 290 g/m² according to the manufacturer, 383 g/m² counted by us Size: long 6 (497 cm measured by us) Russian Jordan's carry I have already encountered Weird Slings before - this June I had the opportunity to test the friendly Frenchies [...]

By |2019-11-11T00:13:14+01:00November 10th, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Weird Slings Donut Worry in the Space

ROAR Wraps Mega-review

ROAR, i.e. the middle one from the woven wrap children of Maciej Aleksandrowicz, is our old acquaintance - I have already written several reviews of these brand's wraps (for example a review of the three wraps in this article: https://vhadru.cz/en/roar-hug-noir-neon-gorki-lamour-sailors-sun-wrap-review/). From their first release in March 2018, I have tried a lot of these [...]

By |2019-10-20T08:59:41+02:00October 19th, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on ROAR Wraps Mega-review

Natibaby Parrots, Starry Night Blue and Swallows

The Polish brand Natibaby is not here for the first time, not even second or third time. This time we have triple review for you - two all-cotton wraps and a blended one with linen. Hereby we want to thank for the opportunity to test these wraps our dear fellow babywearers from our regional babywearing [...]

By |2019-09-04T01:04:23+02:00September 3rd, 2019|Wrap Reviews|Comments Off on Natibaby Parrots, Starry Night Blue and Swallows
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